Finca Parera "Fosc" Tinto 2021
Sant Llorenç d’Hortons around 235 m of altitude, in l’Alt Penedès Montserratí, along with vines from the “L’Hort”, “L’Ull de Llebre” and “Les Prunes” plots.
40% Sumoll and a coupage of d'Ull de Llebre, Garnatxa Negre, Monastrell, Syrah.
We produce in a natural way, with a manual harvest in a 250 kg container. Grape entry into cement cups with skins and without rapa. Maceration / Infusion at controlled temperature. When a few days have passed, we start the alcoholic fermentation with wild yeasts. Decantation by gravity of the flower wine, the rest of the skins to press for other wines. Aging during the winter to clean the wines statically, and bottling by gravity and descending moon.
We bottle without any intervention or addition, in a descending moon.
- fincaparera.com