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Domaine Francois Jobard Beaune 1er Cru Les Epenottes 2020 bottle
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Domaine Antoine Jobard Beaune 1er Cru Les Epenottes 2020

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Pinot Noir

Vines were planted in 1988 on clay and limestone soils.

About the producer:

The Jobard family produced red wine for many years, most notably from the Blagny 1er Cru La Pièce Sous le Bois. They pulled the vines after the 2006 vintage to replant the vineyard to Chardonnay, and Antoine has been looking for a way to make red wine again ever since.

In August of 2019 Antoine was able to lease the vineyards of the Domaine André Mussy, a once-thriving domaine in Pommard. The vineyards are completely organic, having never seen chemicals, and Antoine spent a lot of time revitalizing them well in advance of the 2019 harvest–an effort that really shows in his brilliant first effort from these vines. He farms 6 hectares in all, featuring a collection of village and premier cru wines from Beaune, Volnay, and Pommard.