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Cognac Park VS Carte Blanche
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Cognac Park VS Carte Blanche

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The light, vibrant character of Petite Champagne predominates this blend. Fresh, young, and soft in tannin, Cognac Park VS Carte Blanche is ideal for use in cocktails. To create this Cognac we blend eaux-de-vie from two regions - Fins Bois and Petite Champagne - and age a minimum of three years in lightly toasted barrels, with most of the blend spending closer to six years in barrel. 

Tasting notes:
Linden blossom, apricot, banana, pear, ginger, dried fruits, pink pepper, lychee, orange zest, and white flowers.

Pairs well with:
Utilize Cognac Park VS Carte Blanche in your favorite classic cognac cocktail; a Sidecar, Vieux Carre or Stinger. Cognac Park VS Carte Blanche is also perfect for sipping or mixing with soda water and a touch of lemon.