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Annabella Chardonnay 2021
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Annabella Chardonnay 2021

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Chardonnay (100%)
Appellation: Sonoma

Alcohol: 14.1%

Aging 14 months in French oak

Tasting Notes:

The 2018 Annabella Chardonnay offers gorgeous and bountiful aromas of Asian pear, orange blossom, candied lemon peel, and brown sugar. In the mouth, the wine showcases a well-balanced acidity in counterpoint to a plump, round mouthfeel. Generous flavors of juicy pear, white nectarine, and Meyer lemon blend together with a note of toasted almonds lasting throughout the finish.

Enjoy this crowd pleasing Chardonnay with a whitefish cooked en papillote with fresh lemon slices and butter.